iha इह

iha इह is
This is a concept jewelry made with the desire to express the connection and beauty of everything in this world.
How beautiful this world I saw is,
I will express the idea of "iha-this is the shining flower itself" on jewelry.
The vibrations of the world, everything is already connected.
Feeling the wind means feeling the movement of the world.
If you move, it will be transmitted to all of the world,
You can live as you
Because everyone lives in this world as another person.
People are deeply supporting each other invisible.
I am making it with that in mind.
People play their respective roles in this world
Actually, we are all aiming for the same place.
I created "iha इह" because I wanted to express the beauty of the world with art and letters.
This world where you can enjoy all these feelings and emotions.
I hope I can live by feeling what I am feeling now.